This page displays my formal publications in books, journals and institutional work papers, except those published on media outlets (see “新闻 Journalism“).

Liu, H. (2019). “Chapter 5 Soil Remediation: Still a Long Road Ahead”. In Chinese Research Perspectives on the Environment, Volume 9. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill and The Hague Academy of International Law. DOI:
Liu H et Wu X. (2017). “A View of New Cost Regarding Rare Earth Mineral Resources (稀土矿产资源的新成本视角) “. In Chinese Land Resources Economy, Volume 2 (2018). Beijing, China: Chinese Academy of Natural Resources Economics. DOI: 10.19676/j.cnki.1672-6995.000040
Liu, H. (2017). “2015 Annual Review: From Bottled Water to Drinking Water Safety (从瓶装水到饮用水安全:2015年度观察) “. In Greenbook of Environment: Annual Report on Environmental Development of China (2016-2017). Beijing, China: Social Sciences Academic Press. 2017. ISBN: 978-7-5201-0707-5
Liu, H. (2015). “Soil Remediation: the ‘Golden Age’ is Yet to Come (土壤修复: “黄金时代”远未到来) “. In Greenbook of Environment: Annual Report on Environmental Development of China (2015). Beijing, China: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2015. ISBN: 978-7-5097-8129-6
Hu, S et al (2015). “Chapter 1: Philanthropy in Bill Gates’ Way (盖茨这样做慈善) “. In The China Opportunities. Beijing, China: Chinese Literature and History Press. ISBN: 978-7-5034-6646-5
Liu H. (2016). “Rare Earths: Shades of Grey“. Hong Kong: China Water Risk.
Liu H. (2015). “Bottled Water in China: Boom or Bust?“. Hong Kong: China Water Risk.
Liu H. (2014). “China’s Long March To Safe Drinking Water“. Hong Kong: China Water Risk and Chinadialogue.
Gong J et Liu, H. (2013). “Beijing: The Invisible Water Scarcity (北京:看不见的水荒) “. Beijing, China: CITIC Press Group. ISBN: 978-7-9002-6145-8
Other Credited Work

TRAFFIC (2019). “Combating Wildlife Crime Linked to the Internet: Global Trends and China’s Experiences“. Cambridge, UK.
Zoï Environment Network (2019). “Greening the Belt and Road Projects in Central Asia. A Visual Synthesis“. Geneva, Switzerland.
International Rivers (2019). “Watered down: How Big Hydropower Companies Adhere to Social and Environmental Policies and Best Practices“. Oakland CA, USA.